Sunday, October 4, 2009

Photos from Carr Pro Rodeo Ranch

In the stillness of the meadow we found beauty.

Grass Dancer

"the one that got away"

Grass Dancer- such a beautiful mare

Black Coffee is this little girl's name- ironically this is "Black Coffee" in the morning

They are off again to their next spot to graze. I can't describe in words how amazing it is to hear a herd of horses running together... to see them in their most natural element...wild and untouched. They know humans only enough to be curious about them... but move too quick and their gone again...amazing. As I type I can almost hear the low rumble of their hoofs as they run through the meadow.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Zach + Shanna = LOVE

Their canine family!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Baby Parker!

This sweet little one is the apple of her daddy's eye! And I can see why! We took these pictures at the beautiful Mo-Ranch where Tim and Becca call home.

I loved the reflections in the water that I was getting that day.... my camera and I got into the water to take a number of shots.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Stella's mom

Misty and Patrick are soon going to have a new little one!!!

The song "Stacy's mom...comes to mind- or should I say "Stella's mom has got it goin on!"

Patrick loves his girls...

Both of them!

Thanks for letting me be apart of your day!

Love yall!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


This lil' miss sunshine is a SENIOR!!! During our shoot she kept saying "I'm not a model..." but as you can plainly see she's crazy for thinking such a thing! She's not only gorgeous on the outside...(Kudos to her mom & dad!!!) but she's just as gorgeous on the inside! She and her awesome family hold a special place in my heart for sure! I'm excited to see the plans God has in store for her!!!

She was quite the trooper too! I made her walk in mud that was up to her ankles! Bless her heart she was FREEZING! But she didn't complain...not even a little!

Looking down the road ahead I have some college experience for the soon-to-be freshman...
1) Memorize your social security number (they'll ask you for it about a million times)
2) Don't forget to call your mom and dad--and Andy too...
3) Keep a journal- one day you'll love looking back on those college day memories!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Lil Rugrats

Here is "Miss Diva Accessorize" about to try on a couple more hats...


The Chase...

The Capture...

1 vs. 2