Monday, April 21, 2008

A day with the blue bonnets

Texas has been an interesting place for me to live in. You see, even though I'm from New Mexico, I'm from the side of the state that "wishes we were Texans". Anyone from New Mexico would know what I'm talking about...

But there is one thing that I never saw much of when driving through West Texas...Blue bonnets. One on my favorite flowers!

But now I live in Dallas, and Bluebonnets are everywhere during March and April. Literally the ground turns BLUE! This past March, I was driving along and I saw the biggest field of bluebonnets! I had to pull over! Though I didn't have my large systems with me, I had my trusty point and shoot Sony camera...

Even though I was able to capture some beautiful images on camera, I still don't believe it the photos do it justice!